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3 Ways to Detox

If you’ve been feeling sluggish, bloated, suffer from allergies year-round or are just feeling off balance, then it may be time for a detox.

Ridding the body of toxins can do wonders for every system. Here are just a few of the benefits of detoxing:

How to Detox

There are several ways to detox, but we’ll focus on three methods. Whatever method you choose, keep these tips in mind:

The Cleanses

Juice cleanse: This type of cleanse uses fresh squeezed juices, not the store-bought juice that kids drink. If you have a juicer, that’s best for making your own juices and it’s less expensive than going to a juice bar. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables and get creative with juice combinations. Some cleansing juices can include cucumber, lemons, greens, apples, papayas, and celery. Check out some of our juice recipes.

Whole food cleanse: This cleanse involves eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats ONLY. Ditch the beef, pork and processed, pre-packaged foods. Incorporate whole grains such as brown rice, oats, millet, and quinoa to your meals. You will be amazed at how filling fruits and vegetables can be once you are days into your detox.

Liver detox: The liver itself acts as a detoxifier for the body. So when it can’t function fully, you’ll definitely feel it. There are several supplements on the market that claim to help cleanse the liver. Although some may be helpful, you may want to skip them, especially if you take medications. Cleanse your liver with these foods: garlic, beets, apples, watermelon, broccoli sprouts, fermented foods such as kimchi, kefir or sauerkraut, walnuts and avocado.

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