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Drop The Headache Pills & Do Some yoga

Nothing can put a damper on your day like a pounding headache. Whether you wake up with one or it creeps up on you during the workday, a headache is a telltale sign that stress has reared its ugly head, and blood is not flowing through the body as it should. The good news is staving off a headache can be done naturally.
STEP 1: Get rid of the stress. Now, ultimately this may require ridding your life of some people or a stressful job, but…baby steps. Let’s start with a little yoga, shall we?

Yoga gently releases tension in the body, improving blood circulation and allowing oxygen to flow to the brain.

So much of our days are spent upright, with blood pooling at our feet. Sometimes it’s beneficial to reverse course and bathe the veins, cells and organs in our upper body with fresh, oxygenated blood.
The next time you feel the tension build and a headache start, skip the pills and hit the mat with some simple yoga poses.

What’s happening during a headache?

When you have a headache, the muscles or blood vessels in the head swell or tighten, causing the surrounding nerves to send a rush of pain messages to the brain, and this brings on a headache.

What causes headaches?

A variety of factors can spark a headache:

Yoga Poses for Headaches

Child’s Pose

Standing Forward Fold

Spinal Twist

Legs Up a Wall

Cat/Cow Pose

Corpse Pose

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