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How Healthy is Your Liver?

As we begin this spring season with intentions of “cleaning up” our spaces and lives, don’t forget about our bodies, in particular, the liver. This vital organ works 24/7, playing a crucial role in our overall health.

What does the liver do?

The liver is the largest organ in the body, performing more than 500 functions. This football-sized organ rests under the rib cage on the upper right side of the torso. The liver processes every morsel of food you eat, producing a chemical called bile to transform your food into fuel that can be used by the body. It also flushes toxins from the body, builds proteins, and maintains healthy blood sugar levels. You literally can’t live without your liver, but the good news is that, with early prevention, the liver can heal itself.

Signs You May Need a Liver Cleanse

The body naturally gives you signs of imbalance or disease present in the organs. Here are a few signs that you need to reset your liver.

Liver-loving Foods

There are foods that you can eat that are especially beneficial for the liver.

Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Liver

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