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Day 21: Reset for Transformation


Mindful Moments Meditation with DJ Class6

In today’s meditation, we choose to overindulge in the gifts nature offers. Enjoy the meditation below.


Today’s Workout: Pilates with Stability Ball

This pilates workout incorporates a small stability ball that boosts your balance, range of motion and body alignment.

You’ll need a mat, ball and water. Do the workout below.


Nutrition: 29 Diabetes-Friendly Foods

Living with diabetes doesn’t have to be unmanageable and unsatisfying. But it does require a commitment to making healthy food choices every day.

Sugary and starchy carbohydrates – including breads, cereals, rice, pasta, fruits, milk, and desserts – can raise blood sugar levels, so it’s important to regulate your intake of certain foods. Here are the best, nutrient-rich foods to eat to keep your diabetes in check.

*Always consult your doctor to help regulate your diabetes.

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