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Day 6: 21-Day Reset for Transformation

Mindful Moments Meditation with DJ Class6

Today, we will meditate on facing the fear that holds us back from the blessings we deserve.

Enjoy the meditation below.

Today’s Workout: Bodyweight

Today’s workout targets all major muscle groups, and incorporates jumping rope for a cardio boost.

Before starting today’s routine, we’ll warm up. For each exercise, complete 10-20 reps and at the end of each set, do 100 jumps. Aim to complete at least 3 sets.

Do the workout below.

Nutrition: Ditch the Dairy and Try These Alternatives

As health has become a priority for many Americans, some are paying more attention to the foods they eat daily. Cutting dairy has been shown to have enormous benefits, reducing mucus in the body and alleviating digestion problems.

Here are more benefits to consuming little to no dairy:

Check out these dairy alternatives:
Substitute cheese for dairy-free cheese (Check your local health food store or the natural food section in major grocery chains

Click here for the complete list of dairy alternatives.

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