It’s Day 20 of the challenge! Feeling more energized and focused? We hope so. Today, our meditation with DJ Class6 encourages us to make room for joy to come to us daily. Get ready for an invigorating workout – and all it takes is 15 minutes. 🙂 End your day with our journal prompt that prepares us for life’s interruptions.
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Meditation: Mindful Moments Meditation with DJ Class6
Expect the Good: Focus Statement – I create space for experiences that bring joy and fulfillment to my life.
Workout: Pilates with Weights
Today’s HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout literally “hits” all muscles in the body. For those of you who are new to this routine, HIIT comprises a variety of moves incorporating strength training and cardio, done in short bursts, typically working at full capacity for 40 seconds, then resting for 20 seconds, before beginning the next exercise. Grab your dumbbells (small or mid weight) and a water bottle and do the full workout below.
*Always consult your physician before starting any exercise routine.