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Mobility Movement

With its roots in functional movement and flexibility, mobility training emphasizes the ability to move joints and muscles freely and efficiently. Whether you’re an elite athlete or someone seeking better quality of life, integrating these exercises into your routine offers numerous benefits.

What is Mobility Movement Training?
Mobility movement training focuses on enhancing your range of motion, joint stability, and muscular flexibility through dynamic movements. It goes beyond static stretching, involving exercises that require you to actively move through various planes of motion. These movements typically target the hips, shoulders, spine, and ankles — areas prone to stiffness and dysfunction due to sedentary lifestyles or repetitive movement patterns.

Some examples of mobility exercises include deep squats, hip circles, spinal rotations, and arm swings.

Benefits of Mobility Movement:

  1. Prevents injury: Tight muscles and restricted joint movement increase the likelihood of strains, sprains, and overuse injuries. When you have greater movement, your body can adapt to stress more effectively.
  2. Improved athletic performance: When your joints and muscles move freely, your body can generate more power, agility, and speed.
  3. Better flexibility: As you perform these movements, your muscles naturally become more flexible, and your body adapts to its newly acquired range of motion.
  4. Improved ability to perform everyday tasks: These movements help develop your body’s capacity to move naturally and fluidly, allowing you to perform activities like walking, lifting, and bending without pain or discomfort.
  5. Mind-body connection: This mindful approach to working out not only reduces stress but also helps you become more aware of how your body moves, its limitations, and areas needing improvement.
  6. Longevity: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and joint flexibility, leading to stiffness, and discomfort. However, consistent movement training can counteract the effects of aging, keeping your joints healthy and your muscles supple.

Try a few of our favorite movements below.

Click here to learn more about mobility training.

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