From childhood, we’re told to be kind to others. Unfortunately, some don’t practice this in their everyday lives. Many physically harm others, and emotional or mental abuse can be equally harmful. Although we think of these situations as people inflicting pain on others, sometimes we are our own bullies, speaking negatively in our own heads when we struggle or don’t live up to expectations. We may criticize or judge ourselves harshly when we make mistakes. Being kind to ourselves can be hard, but it’s a necessary practice on the path to becoming your best self. Self-compassion isn’t making excuses. It’s understanding that no one is perfect. It’s giving yourself grace and understanding when needed.

Today’s journal prompts will address kindness and how we can nurture and feed ourselves positive thoughts and give ourselves what we need, moment to moment, to grow and thrive.

  1. How would I like to feel today?
  2. What are the stories that are regularly playing in my head?
  3. What is one story that doesn’t support me, which I can reinterpret?
  4. What stressful circumstance am I currently facing? What would I say to someone I deeply care about who was struggling with the same issue I am?
  5. How can you better use your words and self-talk to build yourself up? What words should you stop using?
  6. How can I nurture myself in this moment?
  7. If I loved myself fully, how would I treat myself every day?
  8. What do I love about me?
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