Spirulina is a microalgae that has been consumed for centuries due to its high nutritional value and health benefits....
At a certain age, you may notice your hair is not as strong or luxurious as it was in...
Oregano’s not just for yummy Italian dishes. This powerful herb fights free radicals, inflammation and bacterial, viral and fungal...
Getting quality sleep happens well before your head hits the pillow. The habits you create upon awakening determine if...
Maca, or maca root, is a starchy, turnip-like cruciferous vegetable, similar to cauliflower, cabbage and kale. It is also...
Time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, has numerous benefits on several aspects of health. When adopting time-restricted eating,...
High cholesterol, or hypercholesterolemia, occurs when fatty deposits develop in the blood vessels. High cholesterol typically has no symptoms....
Spring is almost here in all its glory. Warmer temperatures. Beautifully budding flowers and, the bad part, pollen. Allergy...
Maintaining a gluten-free diet can be challenging, but we’re here to make it a little easier. Try some of...
This handy yellow fruit may be the most popular fruit in the world. In addition to being convenient, bananas...