Change is a part of life. Although we can’t always see it, everything around us is constantly changing. Many times change can be sudden. But it’s important to see change from a positive perspective, embracing it as an opportunity to learn and grow to be our best selves.

Pick up your journal and favorite pen and answer the journal prompts below.

  1. Think of a time in the past when you experienced a shift in your life. Did that change improve your life for the better?
  2. Describe a new change you want to make in your life.
  3. What’s preventing you from starting to make that change today? What are you finding hard to let go of?
  4. Imagine that change has already happened. Describe what a typical day would look like after you made the change.
  5. How would you feel after making the change?
  6. What words of encouragement would your future self tell you today?
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