Work. Family. Goals. Life. The energy it takes to maintain all you want and need to do on a...
If one of your fitness goals is to sculpt a firm derriere, then think beyond your typical squat routine...
If you’ve ever done yoga, then you can appreciate child’s pose. It’s usually performed at the end of a...
Yoga is widely known for its zen-inducing moves and ability to relax your mind and spirit. But yoga isn’t...
One of the least appreciated parts of our bodies are our ankles. No one notices the huge amount of...
Maintaining a strong, supple spine is one of the best things you can do for your body. It’s especially...
In today’s yoga session, we’ll focus on relaxing into our poses. With the use of yoga blocks, you’ll be...
If you lift weights or run for exercise, chances are your hips are tight. Having mobility in the hips...
During the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught in up the hustle and bustle. Shopping, traveling, and sometimes...
Do you experience: ⦁ Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting?⦁ Burning or tingling down...