A recent study found that in America, 70% of adults report not sleeping well at least one night a month, and 11% report insufficient sleep every night. This is due to a variety of problems including stress, overbooked daily schedules, unhealthy food and drinks. Science shows a direct link to lack of sleep and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, premature aging, memory loss and weight gain.

The good news is many people are learning that sleep is a pillar of a healthy lifestyle and are striving to get more quality rest.

Set yourself up for sleep success with these tips to transform your bedroom.

  • Cool off. Set your thermostat lower (around 65 degrees) or open a window to let in cool air, if possible. A high core body temperature makes for uncomfortable sleep.
  • Invest in a quality mattress. Experts say its best to replace your mattress every 7 to 10 years, but listen to your body. If you have back or shoulder pain or wake up feeling like you haven’t rested, consider buying a new mattress.
  • Add some greenery. Having plants in your bedroom can help oxygenate the air, remove toxins and improve humidity. Try a spider plant, green ivy or aloe to get better air quality.
  • Leave the light outside. Use blackout curtains or wear an eye mask to tell the brain and body that it’s time to rest.
  • Go for blue. Paint one wall of your bedroom blue or add blue accents on curtains or in bed linen. The brain sees the color blue as calming and soothing. You can also go for darker accents like emerald green or navy.
  • Go screenless. Watching television or looking at screens before bed can keep you awake. Shut down screens at least 1 hour before bed.
  • Declutter. A clean room makes for a calm mind and better sleep.
  • Keep the noise levels down.
  • Add calming scents – like lavender, chamomile, cedar or ylang ylang – and use in candles or diffusers.