Find Peace & Tranquility With These Calming Yoga Poses
No doubt we’re living in extraordinarily stressful times. Everyone has their own way of coping, but a healthy mechanism to combat unease is always the best choice.
Try these yoga poses to ease anxiety and reprogram and restore your mind and body with a sense of calm.
Wide-Legged Forward Bend
- Stand tall with your feet wide apart.
- Take a deep breath in, then exhale as you bend forward from the hips.
- Reach for your knees, shins, toes or floor.
- Aim to touch the crown of your head on the floor between your hands.
- Shake your head “yes” and “no” to relax the muscles in your head and neck.
- Hold the pose for 10 deep breaths.
Child’s Pose
- Come to a kneeling position on the floor with your heels under your buttocks and your knees wide.
- Sit back on your heels, resting your torso on your thighs. Place your forehead as close to the floor as possible.
- Place your hands flat on the floor. Spread the fingers apart and stretch the arms gently forward.
- Release any tension in your neck and shoulders.
- Close your eyes. Relax and breathe smoothly for 10 deep breaths.
Legs Up the Wall
- Perform this pose near a wall. Lie on your back.
- Raise the legs up and lie them flat against the wall.
- Lay the arms along the sides of the body.
- Relax and breathe deeply for 5-20 minutes.
Corpse Pose
- Lay down on your mat. Allow your legs to relax wide and your arms to fall to the sides and away from your body.
- Scan your body mentally. Relax and release all tension from the body. Breathe easily, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
- Lay in corpse pose for as long as you desire.