Maintaining good balance and stability is vital for performing many activities in our daily lives. This fact was highlighted in recent news as former President Jimmy Carter suffered two falls, resulting in stitches and a minor pelvic fracture. No matter what the age, having good balance can help improve your coordination, prevent injury and increase your ability to adjust in sudden changes of direction.

And as with all muscles of the body, “if you don’t use it, you lose it”.

So keep it moving!

Here are three simple yoga poses you can do to build your balance.


Warrior One (Virabhadrasana) pose: Stand in Mountain pose. Step your left foot back about 4 feet apart from your right foot. Turn your left foot in 45-60 degrees and turn your right foot out 90 degrees pointing forward. Align your right heel with the left heel. Exhale, bending your right knee to 90 degrees, rotate your torso toward your bent thigh and square your pelvis forward as much as possible.
Raise your arms parallel to the floor and push your shoulders back and down. Lift our chest and keep your gaze over your right fingertips. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to one minute. Repeat on the other side.

Tree (Vrksasana) pose: From Mountain pose, slowly lift the right foot to hovering slightly above the floor. For more of a challenge, bend the right knee and place the right foot on the left shin or inner left thigh. Keep the hips front, squared and even with each other. Bring the hands to prayer position at your chest. If allowed, bring the arms straight up into the air. Focus your eyes on a still object directly in front of you. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat this sequence on the left foot.

Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III): Begin in Mountain Pose. As you exhale, step your feet 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach out strong with the shoulder blades wide apart. Face your palms down toward the floor.

Turn your right foot forward 45 degrees and your left foot out to the left 90 degrees. Align the left heel with the right heel. Engage your thigh muscles.

Exhale and bend your left knee over the left ankle. Keep the shin perpendicular to the floor. Keep the right leg engaged while pressing the toes of the right foot firmly to the floor.

Stretch the arms as far back and as far forward as you can, keeping them parallel to the floor. Keep the torso elongated and the shoulders back and down. Turn the head to the left and gaze over the fingers.

Stay in Warrior 3 for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Inhale to come up. Reverse the feet and repeat on the left side.