This week’s workout focuses on building some of the largest muscles in the body. The key to having strong,...
More and more, we are learning about the close relationship to our overall health and what we eat. Eating...
Maca, or maca root, is a starchy, turnip-like cruciferous vegetable, similar to cauliflower, cabbage and kale. It is also...
A relieving stretch after a good, long walk or run can be great for the body. Yoga can help...
Focus Statement – As I love in the present just as I am, the future gets better.
Focus Statement – Love surrounds me and is always available in plentiful supply.
Focus Statement – I always benefit from elevating my vibration and frequency of love.
Focus Statement – My happiness is connected to my healthiness.
Billions of dollars are spent on cosmetic products each year. According to data, Americans spent approximately $31.7 billion dollars...
Nothing feels like a “self-care Sunday” of pampering. Through her New York-based company, Domingo, CEO and founder Netta Selene...