Eating and drinking too much sugar can affect you physically and mentally. Science shows that sugar addiction is a vicious cycle, changing neurotransmitters in the brain that lead to cravings and more sugar consumption.

Here are six ways to curb your sugar intake.

  • Eat whole, nutritious foods. Vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds are healthy carbs you should eat often. Sugary processed foods, on the other hand, lead to overconsumption of sugar.
  • Regulate your blood sugar levels. Start your day with breakfast. Make the first thing you eat a vegetable. Starting your day with pastries and cereals sets the stage for sugar cravings throughout the day. Include proteins like eggs, nut butters or protein shakes with breakfast, and be sure to consume protein with each meal.
  • Eliminate ALL sugar. Cut out refined sugar, bread, sodas, fruit juices, and artificial sweeteners immediately.
  • Drink plenty of water. Stay full and hydrated.
  • Keep it moving! Want sugar? Exercise to cut cravings and release feel-good hormones.
  • Rest up. Research has shown that sleep can reduce sugar cravings.

Read more about sugar alternatives here.

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