5 Signs Your Job is Affecting Your Mental Health
Monday through Friday, we spend the majority of our days at work. We deal so much with our daily tasks, bosses and coworkers that it becomes a big part of our lives. And if the job is stressful, it can really take a toll on our mental health. For most, our jobs are our livelihood so quitting suddenly isn’t an option.
So how can you achieve balance & keep your job from driving you crazy?

5 Signs Your Job is Affecting Your Mental Health
- You dread going to work the night before. This is more than just not wanting a great weekend to end. If you have a dramatic change in mood, anxiety, panic attack, or cry, your job is probably more than stressful.
- You don’t feel safe at work. If you don’t feel supported in your daily tasks, humiliated by your boss or coworkers or even retaliated against, then your job could be wrecking havoc on your mental health.
- You cry at or about work. If you frequently have to excuse yourself and shed tears in the bathroom, in your car, or at home about work issues, then you’re overly stressed. NOTE: It is ok to cry, male or female.
- Your physical health is suffering. There are tale-tale signs of stress that will no doubt show in your health. Increased blood pressure, ulcers, even fibroids in women can all be a reflection of the negativity you’re experiencing at work.
- You consume more alcohol. You shouldn’t need a drink at or after work everyday just to relax.
6 Ways to Cope With Work Stress
- Take breaks. Sometimes it helps just to get up from your office chair and go for a walk. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Take in the sights and sounds of the outdoors. Read a book to take your mind away from work. Pop in your earbuds and listen to relaxing music
- Don’t forgo your vacation days. Billions of hours are forfeited by U.S. workers every year. Many feel that taking a day off will leave them vulnerable to firing. But not taking your earned days off periodically, then you’ll eventually burn out physically and mentally. Then you won’t be any good for your job or your family. Agreed?
- Meditate and set your intentions at the beginning of the day. It’s important to start your day in a positive mental space. Prayer or meditation is the perfect way to set your intentions for the day. When you feel stress throughout the day, return to your daily prayer or affirmation to reset and move forward.
- Change your focus. It’s easy to stay in a negative mental state when your mind is under the pressure of stress. It may be good to change your priority and focus on other things that are important in your life. Leave work at your mandated time (not a minute later) and then “turn off” work. Focus on family, your side hustle or anything that brings you calm and joy.
- See a therapist. Therapy can work wonders for those under tremendous stress. A licensed therapist can help you sort out and prioritize your problems and advise you on the best way to cope with stress.
- Look for other employment. Your job may have been your dream job at the beginning, but there may be something else out there for you that is better fit. Don’t quit if doing so will cause other stress, such as anxiety around finances or healthcare. If your boss is not the source of your stress, it may help to have a conversation about your concerns with them. If no solution is reached, it may be time to dust off your resume, attend some networking events and begin your new job search.