High blood pressure has plagued the Black community of decades and persists. Three out of four African-American men and...
Yoga is an excellent way to stretch the muscles and calm the mind. But did you know it can...
Maintaining good balance and stability is vital for performing many activities in our daily lives. This fact was highlighted...
Need a total body workout to hit every muscle group and work up a sweat? Try this one-dumbbell workout....
Revolved side angle pose is a grounding twist pose that offers an excellent stretch in the upper body, down...
Although it isn’t something we think of often, balance is something that should be practiced and improved daily. Having...
If you’ve made getting fit your priority but your schedule is jam-packed, give this quick 20-minute workout a try....
As more people of color look to take better care of their health, Black women are leading the way...
You don’t have to be from the north to love and appreciate House music. Its pulsating, mesmerizing beats can...
Yoga is an excellent way to build strong arms. With just your body weight, yoga can define muscle tone...