For many of us, the necessities of life can be, well, a lot. From parenting at home to managing staff at work, prioritizing self can prove to be no easy task. We often put others’ needs ahead of our own, being all things to all people, while draining our energy to zero and leaving nothing for ourselves.

But putting yourself at the top of your list is absolutely necessary to be your best self. Think about it. When boarding a flight, you are instructed that in case of an emergency landing, put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping others. This applies to every day life too. We must “fill our tanks” first, making sure we’re good mentally, physically, emotionally, even financially, before assisting others. Remember, this is not a selfish act. It’s an act of self-love and self-respect. Choose you and repeat.

Today’s journal prompts will help you in making yourself a priority.

  1. How do you benefit from always being available to others?
  2. Do you have a hard time saying no? If so, why?
  3. How willing are you to commit to prioritizing yourself? If not 100%, what is holding you back?
  4. What boundaries can you identify that need to be put into place in order to prioritize yourself? Think of individuals or entities that will be affected by this change.
  5. How will putting yourself first result in positive changes in your life?
  6. In what ways will you prioritize and take better care of yourself on a daily basis? What things bring you joy?

Affirmation: In order to practice self-love and self-respect, I must choose me EVERY DAY.