No make-up? No problem. A beautiful face begins with clean, healthy skin. These facial recipes contain all-natural ingredients that...
The African American experience is unique. The effects of slavery and Jim Crow have impacted us for generations and...
You may not think much about how regular you are until you’re not. Fiber is the key to keeping...
One of the least appreciated parts of our bodies are our ankles. No one notices the huge amount of...
If journaling is something you’re committed to doing more of this year, then you’re taking positive steps in improving...
It’s time to work out! But wait! Don’t forget to warm up. Warming up your muscles and joints and...
Eczema is a type of skin inflammation that causes itching and flakiness. Resulting from environmental factors, stress or certain...
Dental hygiene is an important part of staying healthy. According to recent studies, dental health has been linked to...
Maintaining a strong, supple spine is one of the best things you can do for your body. It’s especially...
African Americans are beginning to embrace the idea that getting professional mental help can be a God-send in healing...