Bananas, strawberries, pineapple and other tasty fruits make up the basics of the perfect smoothie. The cool, creaminess of...
Yoga is a wonderful opportunity to explore, learn and accept your body. A yoga session can leave you feeling...
Having toned arms isn’t just for the hot summer months. Get a stronger upper body with today’s workout. These...
If you’re a foodie, then your idea of fun is cooking up a good meal. For those new to...
In addition to going to your doctor, examining your tongue can give you a sneak peek into your health....
If you suffer from digestive issues like ulcers, Crohn’s Disease, or constipation, then yoga may help. The twisting poses...
Yes, we are living in stressful times. It’s important to consume thoughts and messages of hope, inspiration, and positivity....
Today’s workout is good for the entire body, challenging all muscles, including the heart. Do as many reps of...
You’ve probably heard that sex is good for your health. And, barring STD’s, this is true. The perks of...
CLICK HERE to reserve your spot! Lace up your shoes & join Blk and Fit for our very first...