Welcome to day 3! The word that comes to mind for the day is “focus.” From the meditation to...
Get ready for day 2! Start the day with a meditation from the Expect the Good series. Next, complete...
Welcome to day 1 of the Better Life Challenge! Below is your meditation to begin your day, your workout...
We’re all striving to live our best lives. But let’s face it. Sometimes we’re not feeling our best, making...
Mental stress is a part of life. The stresses and trauma of today can feel like the weight of...
We hope you have a Merry Christmas, a day filled with love, gratitude for your health and overwhelming happiness....
Adopting a healthier lifestyle doesn’t just involve eating more nutritious foods. What is on those foods and how those...
Ginger is a root vegetable that is related to cardamom and turmeric. A native plant of Asia, ginger is...
Standing or even sitting too long can cause back pain that can hinder you daily activities. These featured poses...
Many people suffer from debilitating migraines each day. According to the American Migraine Foundation, at least 39 million Americans...