If you want to build shapely legs, then lunges are the perfect move. This move is simple, but you...
Work It Out
Today’s workout requires nothing but YOU! Grab your water and a towel and let’s get started with this energizing...
Getting a good workout takes fuel. Not eating enough before a workout can not only reduce your performance, but...
Some days it’s hard to muster up the will to get up, lace up our shoes and get our...
When it comes to bodyweight exercises, few can match the effectiveness and versatility of push-ups. Push-ups are a classic...
One of the top excuses for not exercising is lack of time. But studies have shown that even a...
Jumping rope isn’t just for children. This counts as exercise for adults. Relive your double dutch days and fire...
HIIT workouts are popular these days and for good reason. If you’re looking for an intense workout but you...
Breathing is an essential part of a good yoga practice and it begins with strong, healthy lungs. Poses like...
Aside from stretching, doing a proper warm-up before you exercise is just as important as the workout itself. Warming...